Presensing For Men, A Method For Peace

OUR courses

Designed to unlock the full potential of your brain, this program combines cutting-edge research with practical techniques to enhance neuroplasticity. Through immersive exercises, tailored assessments, and expert guidance, you’ll learn to optimize your cognitive abilities, improve memory, boost creativity, and enhance problem-solving skills. Join us and empower your mind to reach new heights of neuroplasticity and unleash your true intellectual potential.

This program takes you through the entire process of eliminating chest pain, tension, and reducing blood pressure. Chronic cardiovascular complications stem from elevated levels of stress hormone in the body which keeps the muscles of your heart from relaxing.

Stress is caused by excess negative thought and emotion. Heal your heart over this eight week period by applying scientifically proven practices in meditation and heart coherence. Your level of calm, joy, and peacefulness will become a familiar and natural state to you by the end of this course. 

This course was designed for those of you who wish to break free of harmful patterns through meditative practices held every 4 weeks. Participants explore multiple forms of meditation, and learn how regular meditation practices can rewire neural circuits, enhance focus, reduce stress, and promote emotional well-being. In addition provides practical tools and techniques to cultivate a calmer mind, fostering personal growth and resilience.

This powerful eight week course will rewire your brain and nervous system to innately experience the eternally present moment. You are learning to rest in pure and untethered consciousness. This pure loving awareness is your natural state. It is the space in which you rest your attention on nothing, freeing yourself of all noise and clutter in waking life. It is also the state of consciousness by which you receive and create with ease and flow. 

Embark on a profound journey of transformation with the Higher Being Program. Heal and release limiting beliefs, rewire base emotions, and rediscover your innate wholeness. Guided by experienced experts, you’ll engage in daily meditations and practices that unlock your true potential for lasting joy and fulfillment. Embrace this life-changing path of self-discovery and join us on the transformative journey towards deep connection to your higher self. COMING SOON…

one to one coaching

Our one to one coaching program lasts eight weeks in length. You will begin with a program design call lasting 1 to 2 hours with Kathleen Reily, the founder of Presense. In this deep dive she will uncover all the granular details necessary to personally design your eight week program. In this intensive program you will heal and transcend the thinking and feeling loops that are keeping you trapped within this current challenge you face. 


You will be meeting with Kathleen every Wednesday for an hour of personal guidance, coaching, and support. You will also have access to our one to one communication app for daily live support and accountability. Your program will require a morning, afternoon, and evening, meditation based practice, cumulatively lasting between 60 and 90 minutes throughout the day. It will be such an honor and joy to guide and support you on this powerful and personalized journey to your higher destination. You may purchase this program by clicking the link below, you will then be directed to schedule your program design call with Kathleen. 

In loving gratitude, 


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